Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Told You...

12 days and no post. I warned you about my major suckage. Anyway, the sourdough was a total bust. It didn't rise. I made the dough in the breadmaker and maybe that was a factor, no idea. Never say die, I will try again. The starter smelled like starter and was frothy and gross looking, so I will try it one more time, this time I will knead by hand. My stomach is upset today, I am making a batch of seitan and being a couch potato.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ugh. And Yum (I have iced coffee!)

Daylight Savings Time. My nemesis. Don't get me wrong, an extra hour of daylight is spiffy, but ever single year this damn time changes screws me up for at least a week. I am so tired today. Hubby tweaked his back so he is not in the best of moods, and is bound to be crabby when he gets home today. The Girl is home sick with the flu, but apparently not that sick as she is already asking if she will be well enough to hang with the friends this weekend. Not minding missing school though. Kids, bleh. The sourdough starter is doing great, I've remembered to feed it every night and am going to continue to do so for another day or two, I want a decent quantity of starter to stash in the fridge. Bread making will probably not happen until next week though. Yesterday was spent running kids around, sick kid, well kid, doctor trip, pharmacy trip, blah blah blah. Today will be spent doing laundry, and if I can manage to get conscious firing up the sewing machine, and making Isa's Snobby Joes for dinner. I LURVE me some lentils. Oh, and making BitterSweet's Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars. Scroll down for the recipe. If you haven't made them yet you should, very very easy and yet tasty recipe. My only changes to it are to add about a 1/4 cup of cocoa powder to the batter (family of chocoholics, besides me the vanillaholic), and I don't use vanilla soy milk as I think it's disgusting so never buy it. I use 1 TBS of vanilla instead and plain soymilk. SOOOOOOOOO yummy. I've been known to whip up a batch of these at 8 PM. The prep time is all of 5 minutes. I think I can handle that today. Tomorrow is The Boy's field trip to the DuPage Children's Museum. If you see a tall tired looking blonde-dreadlocked pierced nose mom with a cute little boy, it's probably me. Unless I have an unknown twin that will be at the DuPage Children's Museum tomorrow... I tend to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. Someone remind me to take my camera. See you there!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mmmmmm... Primordial Ooze...

Sourdough starter is really weird stuff. Mine is coming along nicely and I so have to take a pic of it tomorrow. It's bubbly, puffy and smelly. Not bad smelly, just well, sour smelly. I'm going to feed it one more time tonight and go out tomorrow and get a nice jar for it to live in my fridge in. And then I am going to be a freaky baking fool. My goal (even though I have not shared this with hubby) is to start baking bread out the wazoo and quit buying store bought bread. The sandwich bread we buy in particular is what I want to eliminate. It's whole wheat, store brand sandwich bread, and it tastes kind of like gnawing on the sole of one of my Chuck Taylors. The kids don't mind it and eat their PB & J's like it's nobody's business, not caring that they are eating bread that doesn't taste particularly good. It's my fault. I need to teach my children that bread for sammiches can be just as tasty as bread that we have with dinner. I shall prevail! I've even found recipes for sourdough wheat sandwich bread, YAY!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Becoming a Bread Whore

And I say it proudly. Next on my list is sourdough. Yes, you heard me right. I just started a starter *giggle* and it's sitting on my counter while I wait patiently for it to turn into something like the primordial ooze. That's a good thing, believe it or not. This is far more intimidating than the no-knead stuff but hey, I live for danger... And unemployment finally un-snafued things, and I am getting some dinero, woooot! I chickend out yet again on sewing the Blythe overalls, maybe tomorrow? *Hangs head in shame for the second time today*

Guilty Pleasure

Well first of all, the bread was the shit, no pics because we ate it all *burp*. I will take a pic next time, I promise. Now I'm listening to "The Fame" by Lady GaGa. And I like it. I'm off to go hang my head in shame now, after I stop dancing that is.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day Wasn't a Complete Waste

I got the overalls ready for sewing. Now to gather my nerve and actually use that brand new sewing machine that I paid way more than I should have for. But what the hell, it embroiders! Well, it embroiders when I get some money to get some embroidery thread that is... *coughcoughBROKEcoughcough* Being unemployed sucks. Being jacked around by ones former employer and the unemployment office sucks more.
On a less whiny note, I started some No-Knead Bread! I'm stoked. I think I'm the only person anywhere who hasn't already made this 39,000 times. Hey, I just heard of it! Yes, I'm that lame! Sooooooo looking forward to homemade bread. *drool*

Sewing Overalls

Got all my pieces cut out and Fray Checked the edges with plans to Fray Check the seams after they're sewn. Now just to figure out how the heck to put them together... I'm at the staring at them hoping for inspiration phase. Pattern is Oriettacat's, and it's a great pattern as are all her patterns, the problem lies with me and my complete lack of sewing skills. If it's not a simple construction I do a lot of aimless staring at the pieces before taking the plunge. I may add a pic if my attempt isn't too pathetic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Art of Blogging or Not Sucking Ass

And lets just be perfectly frank here, I suck ass. I'm a craptacular blogger. I do it rarely, get bored with it for months at a time, forget my password and start new blogs, blah blah blah. So the old one I had is now poof. I did download it though in case I decide to stroll down memory lane. Whatever. If you're reading this please don't expect much. I'm a bad blogger. Admitting it is the first step of recovery though, right? Ha. Not.
Dinner tonight is about as blah as I am: Baked tofu marinated in soy sauce, rice vinegar and maple syrup, mashed taters and some steamed broccoli I think. Take a picture? Why? More later, could be 6 months later, we shall see.